While defending Donald Trump’s plan to “take the oil” from Iraq, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani said on Sunday said that “anything’s legal” in war.
“Of course it’s legal. It’s a war,” Giuliani said on ABC’s “This Week” when asked if Trump’s plan to take a country’s oil is legal.
“Until the war is over, anything’s legal,” he added. “If we’re going to have lost that many people in Iraq, we should have something to say about how that oil is distributed.”
However, as CNN noted, the Geneva Conventions bar countries from seizing another country’s property.
Trump has often used his “take the oil line” when discussing the Islamic State, and he repeated it last week on an NBC forum.
“If we had taken the oil, you wouldn’t have ISIS. ISIS formed with the power and wealth of that oil,” he said.
Giuliani also claimed on Sunday that Trump meant that the U.S. should “secure” the oil so that terrorists groups don’t have access to resources, not necessarily take it for American use.
No! No it’s not, you disgusting little troll!
There are rules, especially if we want to say we’re “the good guys”! you halfwit!
Just saying something doesn’t make it true.
It’s called pillaging and it’s a war crime.
So… the current chemical weapons use is A-OK?
Apparently so… chemical, biological, nukes, whatever ya got.
Don’t forget bullshit…megatons of bullshit.