Mass. Dems: Romney Was ‘An Unmitigated Disaster’ — Except On Health Care

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With Mitt Romney headed back to Massachusetts to vote on Super Tuesday, the state Democrats held a conference call with reporters Monday afternoon, going after the former governor’s record.

State party chairman John Walsh stated that Romney raised fees and taxes by $750 million, and during his time as governor the state was 47th in job creation: “Since he left, we’re now 5th in the nation. We’ve recovered from his leadership.”

Walsh also said: “Mitt Romney’s record in Massachusetts is an unmitigated disaster for people on the issues that they care about. But the one thing he did do is, he was instrumental in passing Massachusetts health care reform — which he didn’t implement, he left that for our next governor to do. But the implementation of our health care plan, which he was been so quick to run away from, has actually been very successful.”

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