TPM Reader TD is 100% on the mark here …
I think you’re on the right track about ATT and OAN, but I think you’re overthinking it. Might there be some ideology influencing the ATT decision to suggest the formation of OAN? Sure, but that’s secondary.
What is corporate ideology? Money. Profit.
Fox had little to no competition as a conservative network. With no competition, Fox could back cable systems into a corner, basically demanding they be carried as the only “conservative” viewpoint, and demanding the very best terms available to them.
Somebody at ATT figured that if there was an alternative to Fox, then ATT could use that as leverage against Fox when it came to the terms of striking deals. “What’s that, Mr. Murdoch? Well, if you don’t like this deal, we’ve got someone who would jump at it. So I guess the decision is up to you.”
It’s always the money, Josh. You know that.