George Floyd
Where Things Stand: Graham’s Remarks Are Part Of The Problem
This is your TPM afternoon briefing.
It’s a meme that’s been circulating across social media for months, since George Floyd was murdered by police, sparking a reignited nationwide movement against police brutality and racial injustice: guilty people don’t deserve to be killed by police, either.
What Do Protests Accomplish? 5 Global Lessons From Demonstrations Over Floyd’s Murder
From #BlackLivesMatter to #MeToo, international affairs taught this sexual health educator and ex-State Department staffer an important lesson. To achieve racial justice, we must think globally — creating and sustaining a secure world in the U.S. and beyond.
Where Things Stand: Show-And-Tell Police Reform
This is your TPM early-afternoon briefing.
Momentarily, President Trump will head out to the White House Rose Garden, parading out a group of families whose loved ones were victims of police violence, and announce a set of executive order reforms that will do little but appease the police.