In her forthcoming book, “Unhinged,” former White House staffer Omarosa Manigault Newman claims that she saw President Trump chewing up a piece of paper after a meeting with his then-personal lawyer, Michael Cohen. The Washington Post got its hands on an early copy of the book and was the first to report the allegation.
In early 2017, Manigault Newman says she walked Michael Cohen, then Trump’s personal lawyer, into the Oval Office for a meeting with Trump — and saw the president chewing up a piece of paper while Cohen was leaving the office. Another White House official confirmed that Manigault Newman brought Cohen into the White House and was later rebuked for it. The two remain in contact, according to people familiar with the relationship.
“I saw him put a note in his mouth. Since Trump was ever the germophobe, I was shocked he appeared to be chewing and swallowing the paper. It must have been something very, very sensitive,” she writes in her book.
White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said the book is “riddled with lies and false accusations.” The Post reported that “several White House aides laughed at the assertion” that the President was caught munching on paper and “said it was not true.”
She left out the salt lick under the desk.
previously on ‘The Donald Trump Show’
No paper, no paper, you are paper!
“Clearly,” one continued, "he was eating paste."
(PS: Gives a whole new meaning to the term “paper trail”, if you know what I mean, and I think you do…)
She probably knows better than anyone how to get under his skin. She also knows how to stay in the spotlight and her constant reveals might end up making Spanky suffer even more than Avenatti’s legal suits. We really do live in Bizarro World now, with no end in sight.