Ahmed @ Israeli Embassy w/ Phone Shoe

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I would hesitate and just be too smart to try to ascribe any meaning to this or interpret it. But purely in Abbot and Costello ‘who’s on first base’ terms, I found it entertaining.

Post intel columnist Jeff Stein picks up a story by Philip Giraldi in the American Conservative which says the FBI and the CIA have become aware of increased Israeli efforts to recruit American Muslims as intelligence assets.

Now on first glance you might say, “Hmmm, that sounds like it’d be kind of a tough sell.”

But it’s more complicated.

It turns out the Israelis, according to this story, are passing themselves off as part of US intelligence, sort of an inverted false flag operation. But it gets better. The Mossad officers aren’t what most folks would probably expect. According to this account (and you can simply never know with these kinds of stories because there’s so much smoke and mirrors involved), the Mossad agents are Israeli-Arabs working under diplomatic cover out of the Israeli UN mission in New York.

Apparently the approaches so far have been rather clumsily handled and haven’t amounted to much.

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