John Light

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John Light is TPM's managing editor, based in New York. He previously worked as a producer for Bill Moyers and WNYC and has written for The Atlantic, Slate, Reuters and Grist.

Behind The Scenes

Around 2:30 p.m. last Thursday, TPM investigative reporter Josh Kovensky and I were having a conversation through instant message as I edited one of his articles. In the middle of this, he suddenly wrote “HUH.”

Then: “I just had a breakthrough.”

I continued editing, and he started working on something new. I soon learned what that breakthrough was.

The story of Kovensky’s realization illustrates just how knowledgeable our reporting team is and how our members make their tireless work to report on and analyze the news possible. (So if you’re not a member, please take a moment to join.)

And read on about his big hunch.

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What We Can Do With Your Support

We often hear from readers (sometimes, painfully, former readers) that they wish we covered climate change more, among other issues. And we do, too. It’s one of the most important political stories of our lifetimes.

Historically, TPM has favored news and investigations on which we can break ground where other outlets haven’t. We’ve been less likely to cover larger, slower moving, but ultimately existentially critical stories.

But last week, we devoted a significant amount of our resources to focusing on the climate story. And it was our membership model that allowed us to do it.

So please take a moment to join if you’re not already a member.

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This Week’s Focus On Climate

Starting today and continuing for a week, TPM will be joining more than 250 news organizations in amping up our coverage of climate change and the political realities that surround it.

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The World Should Ignore Trump On Climate. Will It?
President Trump's commitment to undoing Obama's climate legacy is making it harder for the rest of the world to take action.
Here’s How Each Candidate Stood Out During The Debate
Debate Night!

Join us at 8 p.m. for live coverage of tonight’s Democratic debate. Josh Marshall will be writing here in the ed blog, and TPM staff will be on hand with a liveblog for members and coverage of tonight’s notable moments.

Where The Investigation Into The NRA Might Be Headed, And Other News: Your Prime Week-In-Review Prime Badge
It Could Be A Movie

We’ve heard some wild stories about former Trump business associate Felix Sater over the years. Not only did he try to help Trump build a tower in Moscow; not only did he promise to “get Putin on this program” in order to “get Donald elected” — he also was an FBI informant? And also, supposedly, helped track down Osama bin Laden? And imprison mafiosos? It strained credulity.

A newly surfaced government document confirms that many of these stories are, in fact, true. Matt Shuham writes up the highlights for TPM members.

The Buck Stops There

A number of indicators are suggesting a recession is on the horizon. That, of course, could have a huge impact on the presidential election — especially if the slowdown arrives during or close to autumn 2020.

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Today’s Agenda: More Concerning Details From Night Of Epstein’s Death Prime Badge
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