Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) took to Twitter on Thursday to boast about a small radio ad he’s placed in California that encourages businesses to ditch what it claims is an anti-business climate for the low-tax haven of the Lone Star state.
Getting great response to our California radio ad!Headed back out west next week to meet with CEOs.
— Rick Perry (@GovernorPerry) February 7, 2013
Asked if he was concerned about Perry’s foray on Tuesday, California Gov. Jerry Brown (D) mocked the size of the ad buy, reportedly at about $24,000, as a non-story.
“It’s not a serious story, guys,” Brown told reporters. “It’s not a burp. It’s barely a fart. If they want to get in the game, let them spend $25 million on radio and television. Then I’ll take them seriously.”
The editorial page of the Sacramento Bee, a California paper, however, decided to take matters into its own hands.
“Actually, we think it’s more than a fart. It’s a cry for help,” reads the editorial, published Wednesday. “Perry can’t create jobs, he can only steal them from other states. His campaign for the Republican presidential nomination was a joke. His beloved Dallas Cowboys haven’t been in the Super Bowl since 1996.”