Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels appears in the latest ad from embattled Sen. Dick Lugar fighting a challenge from State Treasurer Richard Mourdock. “The truth can take a beating in campaign time, and this year it’s Dick Lugar on the receiving end,” Daniels says in the ad. Referencing the money that’s come in for Mourdock from conservative and Tea Party groups, he says, “It’s funny in a way, these folks from elsewhere, here telling us who’s a real Hoosier.”
Daniels also praises Lugar in the spot, saying: “The way he votes, the way he lives, I can’t think of anyone so reflective of the thinking, principles, and ideals of our state. I’m not for Dick Lugar for what he’s done, but for what he can do. Our point of view gets heard and has a better chance to win out with Dick Lugar on the job.”