Appearing on Brian Kilmeade’s radio show Tuesday, Rick Santorum broached a topic he said was off limits earlier this year: Bain Capital.
“I don’t know of one group of people that’s more disliked than politicians — it may be the folks who gave us the Wall Street bailout. And that’s where Mitt Romney comes from,” Santorum said on “Kilmeade and Friends.” “We’ll have a Wall Street banker going up against the president of the United States — not the best matchup for us.”
Last week, Santorum named health care as the reason Romney was a particularly weak candidate. In January, Santorum said the Bain line of attack was the wrong way to go:
There is plenty in Mitt Romney’s record as governor of Massachusetts to attack and go after. … I don’t think going after capitalism and companies, that in many cases, do a public good in saving companies is the way to go about doing that.