Andrew Kaczynski, who recently resurfaced the clip of Mitt Romney in which he slams John Kerry for flip-flopping, has now resurfaced a clip of Romney from 2002 when he was running to be governor of Massachusetts. It’s already been retweeted by the likes of AllahPundit, and looks set to do the rounds online much as the “Kerry” clip did.
This clip, which has to be fair, been readily available on youtube for years, is part of a local news piece from the time, in which Romney pitches himself this way:
“I think people recognize that I’m not a partisan Republican, that I’m someone who is moderate, and my views are progressive, and that I’m going to go to work for our senior citizens, for people that have been left behind by urban schools that are not doing the right job. And so they’re going to vote for me regardless of the party label.”
That might have been innocuous in Massachusetts in 2002, but in the post-Glenn Beck era the word “progressive” has a whole new boogie man status.