GOP Rep.: Discrimination Against Whites Is All Federal Law Permits" /> GOP Rep.: Discrimination Against Whites Is All Federal Law Permits" />
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GOP Rep.: Discrimination Against Whites Is All Federal Law Permits

Congressman Mo Brooks R-Ala., thanks his supporters during a victory speech after winning the fifth congressional district at his campaign rally at the botanical gardens Tuesday, March 13, 2012 in Huntsville, Ala. (A... Congressman Mo Brooks R-Ala., thanks his supporters during a victory speech after winning the fifth congressional district at his campaign rally at the botanical gardens Tuesday, March 13, 2012 in Huntsville, Ala. (AP Photo/The Huntsville Times, Eric Schultz) MORE LESS
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Since Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) claimed on Monday that Democrats have launched a “war on whites,” he has continued to explain how he thinks Democrats inject race into political issues.

Brooks initially made the remarks on Laura Ingraham’s radio show.

“This is a part of the war on whites that’s being launched by the Democratic Party. And the way in which they’re launching this war is by claiming that whites hate everybody else,” he told Ingraham, referring specifically to the crisis at the border.

Brooks stood by his characterization and told Monday that Democrats have been “attacking whites based on skin color.”

“The Democrats routinely make appeals based on race and they get away with it. It’s repugnant to ever make an appeal based on race,” he said.

On Tuesday, Brooks told USA Today that “if you look at current federal law, there is only one skin color that you can lawfully discriminate against. That’s Caucasians — whites.”

And in an interview on NewsmaxTV’s “The Steve Malzberg Show” on Tuesday, the congressman made a similar comment.

“Embedded in federal statutes, what is the one race that can be discriminated against? As a matter of law. What is it?” he asked, according to a clip recorded by Mediaite.

“White males?” Steve Malzberg asked in response.

“Not just white males, but all whites,” Brooks then responded.

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  1. Just imagine hw much better off whites wuld be if they suffered no discrimination. They would be running the country… Wait… Never mind.

  2. This Bama Fool is a gift that keeps on giving. I cant wait for him to start citing statutes.

  3. Mo’s dog whistle sounds a lot like a trombone.

  4. Is this part of a PSA? Maybe a segment telling expectant moms in Alabama they shouldn’t eat clay. Mom: the damage is permanent.

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