climate change

Climate Denialists Aren’t The Only Voice In The GOP — They’re Just The Loudest
Research shows that many Republican voters do support policies to curb climate change. Now we must convince GOP legislators to listen to those voices.
For 2020, We Must Better Prepare To Fight Misleading Anti-Climate Rhetoric
White Nationalists Latch On To Climate Change For Mass Migration Hysteria
Some on the far right are pointing to climate change, and the refugees it will create, to tout the idea of walling off America.
The World Should Ignore Trump On Climate. Will It?
President Trump's commitment to undoing Obama's climate legacy is making it harder for the rest of the world to take action.
Climate Denier Who’s Complained About The ‘Demonization’ Of CO2 Is Leaving WH
Hurricanes Hit Just Before Election Season — Why Aren’t We More Prepared?
on November 1, 2017 in Chicago, Illinois. Biden Still Plans On Attending Fundraiser Hosted By Gas Company Exec
Trump Administration To Halt Shift Toward Energy-Saving Light Bulbs
Flames from a flaring pit near a well in the Bakken Oil Field. The primary component of natural gas is methane, which is odorless when it comes directly out of the gas well. In addition to methane, natural gas typically contains other hydrocarbons such as ethane, propane, butane, and pentanes. Raw natural gas may also contain water vapor, hydrogen sulfide (H2S), carbon dioxide, helium, nitrogen, and other compounds. (Source: As of July 2014, roughly 30 percent of the one billion cubic feet per day of natural gas produced in North Dakota was being wasted in flares like this, according to the news site Breaking Energy. The reasons are low price on LNG (liquefied natural gas) , lax regulations and lack of infrastructure. In order to put an end to the flaring, North Dakota have adopted new regulations, and the goal is to capture 95 percent of the gas by 2020. On August 18th 2015, EPA announced that the oil and gas sector will have to cut their methane emissions by 40 to 45 percent within the next decade. Methane is a shortlived greenhouse gas compared to CO2, but is 72 times more damaging. That Trump EPA To Get Rid Of Key Regulation On Methane Emissions
Trump Rambles About Wealth After Skipping G7 Meeting On Climate Change
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