Texas GOPer Adamantly Swears To Never Vote For Gun Control Laws After Shooting

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Texas state Rep. Matt Schaefer (R) declared that he wouldn’t vote for any gun control measures several hours after a series of deadly shootings in his state led to at least seven deaths on Saturday.

Schaefer posted a screed on Facebook railing against “red flag” laws, universal background checks, mandatory buybacks, or bans on AR-15s, claiming that “none of these so-called gun-control solutions will work to stop a person with evil intent.”

The Republican lawmaker’s proposed solution to mass shootings? Prayer.

“YES to praying for victims. YES to praying for protection. YES to praying that God would transform the hearts of people with evil intent,” he wrote.

Schaefer also suggested that “discipline in the homes” and men not leaving their families would also prevent gun violence.

“YES to God, and NO to more government intrusions,” he concluded.

Schaefer’s post came hours after a gunman went on a shooting spree in the Texas cities of Midland and Odessa. Police said at least seven people were killed, including the shooter, and 21 were injured.

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Notable Replies

  1. Avatar for ANNFFL ANNFFL says:

    Schaefer also suggested that “discipline in the homes” and men not leaving their families would also prevent gun violence.

    So that they won’t go out to shoot?

  2. Pretty sure that come 2021 this guy won’t be voting for anything, gun control or otherwise.

  3. There’s got to be a way to blame teh gayz too.

  4. Can someone ask state Rep. Schaefer how long and how hard has he prayed over this decision? And what specifically is he praying for or about? And then can we find his pastor, minister or priest and have Schaefer de “whatever” they do to a congregant that isn’t following Christ’s teachings.

    ETA Schaefer represents Tyler, TX which is 59% white. He’s a member of the Texas Right to Life and Freedom Caucus. Yeah he’s one of those who doesn’t care about the public’s safety.

  5. Avatar for ANNFFL ANNFFL says:

    JFC, if you don’t wanna do gun control, why not at least do “bad guys” control?

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