Ingraham Denies Saying Anything Racist In Her Televised Racist Segment

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In a walk-back of the racist and xenophobic monologue she delivered Wednesday night, Fox News host Laura Ingraham was affronted that white nationalists, including former KKK leader David Duke, heartily endorsed her message, and declared falsely that she did not say anything racist or anti-immigrant.

“A message to those distorting my views, including all white nationalists and one racist freak who’s name I won’t mention,” she said. “You do not have my support. You don’t represent my views and you are antithetical to the place I hold dear. The purpose of last night’s angle was to point out the rule of law, secure borders, is something that used to bind our country together.”

“Despite what some may be contending, I made explicitly clear that my commentary had nothing to do with race or ethnicity,” she continued. “But rather a shared goal of keeping America safe and her citizens safe and prosperous. Furthermore, as I have said repeatedly on the show, merit-based immigration does wonders for our country’s economy, our way of life, and how we define our country.”

In Wednesday night’s segment, Ingraham made explicitly clear that her commentary had everything to do with race or ethnicity, saying “massive demographic changes have been foisted upon the American people and they are changes that none of us ever voted for and most of us don’t like.”

She made equally clear that immigration (both legal and illegal) is the cause of these changes that have destroyed the America “we know and love.”

“Much of this is related to both illegal and, in some cases, legal immigration that, of course, progressives love,” she said of America’s changing demographics.

Watch below:

Notable Replies

  1. Good thing, there are no recordings …

  2. Avatar for ljb860 ljb860 says:

    This woman is a fine upstanding example of American womanhood. She would never stoop so low as to make racist comments/rants. This must be another example of that fake news I keep hearing about.

  3. She must wear headphones when she rants. She sounds like she hasn’t actually heard what she said. The racists were right to believe she had adopted the KKK message. She clearly did.

  4. She’s only concerned about demographics, who said anything about race??? /snark
    They really think americans are complete idiots.

    Also, "secure borders, is something that used to bind our country together.” WHAT? When? What is she talking about?

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