Warner: Senate Intel Committee Has ‘Made A Number Of Referrals’ To Mueller

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  1. “Yeah, cause there are thousands of lawyers out there who don’t know that.”

  2. Remember: Republican Richard Burr heads this committee, so this is one of the rare examples these days of a Republican doing his job.

  3. This sounds like the week is definitely going to be juicy. Well I have made some of my elections. One more to consider, salty, lightly salted or unsalted. Then butter, lots, a bit or none. This is getting complicated.

  4. Avatar for pshah pshah says:

    It’s just too bad Congress can’t refer a Congressman for lying to Congress and the American people, and rather blatantly at that. Looking at you, Nunes.

  5. Avatar for pshah pshah says:

    We know Cohen lied to Congress as he’s already admitted. So if they were coordinating their stories, it stands to reason almost all of Trump’s associates are implicated. Especially Don Jr., Roger Stone, and all the other usual suspects.

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