Trump: NFL Owners Are Afraid Of Their Players, ‘It’s Disgraceful’

President Donald Trump speaks in Indianapolis, Wednesday, Sept. 27, 2017. Trump is calling the current tax system a "relic" and a "colossal barrier" that's standing in the way of the nation's economic comeback. He says that his tax proposal will help middle-class families save money and will eliminate loopholes that benefit the wealthy. (AP Photo/Michael Conroy)
In this Wednesday, Sept. 27, 2017, photo, U.S. President Donald Trump speaks in Indianapolis. How do you pay for the president's proposed $5.8 trillion tax cut? For Trump and Republican congressional leaders, that is... In this Wednesday, Sept. 27, 2017, photo, U.S. President Donald Trump speaks in Indianapolis. How do you pay for the president's proposed $5.8 trillion tax cut? For Trump and Republican congressional leaders, that is the mostly unanswered $5,800,000,000,000 question. (AP Photo/Michael Conroy) MORE LESS
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Continuing his tirade against the National Football League, President Donald Trump suggested in an interview with Fox News, which aired Thursday, that NFL team owners may be “afraid of their players.”

“I have so many friends that are owners and they’re in a box. I’ve spoken to couple of them and they say ‘we are in a situation where we have to do something.’ I think they’re afraid of their players if you want to know the truth. I think it’s disgraceful and they’ve got to be tough and they’ve got to be smart because you look at the ratings, the ratings are going way down,” he said, continuing on his usual line of insult by blasting a private group’s television ratings.

He claimed that “most people” agree with him on his stance that football players should stand during the national anthem instead of kneeling in protest and he called on the NFL to enforce its “rule that’s been in existence for a long time.”

“The NFL and players really have to do the honor of the country. It’s for the honor of the country. They have to respect our country. They have to respect our flag and our anthem,” he said.

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Notable Replies

  1. I’ve said it out here before, but at the risk of boring you: No one ever paid to watch an owner on the field. People pay to watch the players. The owners, whatever their faults, are not stupid (at least, not for the most part); they know that.

  2. Avatar for sanni sanni says:

    More like afraid of losing their top producers, and their $$ for all of the sales if the whole brand slid the way of the USFL due to really poor management/direction from someone like… who was that who tanked the USFL?

    It’s like he can’t help himself from demonstrating repeatedly the degree to which he relishes engaging in race baiting, while at the same time demonstrating abject indifference to an Island (Islands) of US citizens in the throes of a lethal humanitarian disaster.

    So little winning. From such a little man, with such vulgar little hands.

  3. Avatar for sjk sjk says:

    No, actually they dont have to “respect” anything of the sort, at least according the SCOTUS and that constitution thingy

  4. Whatever his other problems, this dog-whistle will play with the base.
    Who isn’t terrified of 300-pound blah people?

    But boy, has he got problems. Roger Stone has a sad–feels Donnie has fallen in with bad company.
    Article says Strange debacle means GOP congresspeople don’t think he can help them in elections. If true, he’s blued and tattooed.

  5. With some serious impacts too we might add.
    Hey Republicans still supporting Donnie as he dismantles your party?
    I thought so You’re just too fucking stupid . Victory at any cost

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