Spicer On Abortion ‘Gag Rule’: Trump Has Made Clear He’s ‘Pro-Life’

White House press Secretary Sean Spicer speaks during the daily White House briefing, Monday, Jan. 23, 2017, in the briefing room of the White House in Washington. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
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White House press secretary Sean Spicer said on Monday that President Donald Trump has “made it very clear that he’s a pro-life president.”

“It’s no secret,” Spicer said in his first daily briefing from the White House.

Trump on Monday reinstated what is known as the Mexico City Policy, which prohibits providing federal funds to international organizations that perform abortions or even provide information about that option. It has been instituted by Republican administrations and rescinded by Democratic ones since 1984.

In a brief recap of Trump’s morning at the top of the briefing, Spicer described the ban as one that will “end the use of taxpayer dollars to fund abortions overseas, along with coercive abortion and sterilization practices.”

Spicer told reporters that Trump “wants to stand up for all Americans, including the unborn,” and will send a global message by doing so.

“I think the reinstatement of this policy is not just something that echoes that value but respects taxpayer funding as well and ensures we’re standing up not just for life, for life of the unborn, but also for taxpayer funds that are being spent overseas to perform an action that is contrary to the values of this President,” Spicer said.

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  1. And doesn’t stand up for women’s health or the health of teen aged and preteen girls who are raped overseas.

    They are so full of shit it’s a wonder they can walk.

  2. Trump is nailing the role of RWNJ reality-TV star…

    And there I thought it was merely the latter…

  3. Excellent link — many, many thanks.

    This lady sums up perfectly what I have contended for many years. I will save this and quote her.

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