Hannity Flies Into All-Caps Rage After Being Named ‘Worst Of Fox News’

Fox News Channel television, radio talk host, author, and conservative political commentator, Sean Hannity gestures while speaking in Tyler, Texas on Friday July 31, 2009. (AP Photo/Dr. Scott M. Lieberman)
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Television host Sean Hannity took to Twitter with a liberal use of caps lock on Monday to blast the news website Mediaite after it crowned him as “the worst of Fox News.”

Hannity’s tweet was part of a back-and-forth spat with staff members of Mediaite after the news site compiled a list of the “best and worst of cable news.”

The twitter exchange is below:

Correction: Hannity’s initial tweet was likely referring to Mediaite columnist Joe Concha. Due to an editing error, an earlier version of this post suggested otherwise. We regret the error.

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Notable Replies

  1. Oh my.

    Thin skinned much Hannity?

  2. His colleagues forgot to mention that the only thing shorter than Mr. Potato Head’s wurlitzer, is his fuse.

  3. Whenever TPM covers FOX news God kills a kitten.

  4. Worst or, if you like, the very best at being terrible.

  5. I think he did use the word “CONCHA.” I really doubt it was a typo.

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