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Fox News Guest: US ‘Border Has Moved North’ In Arizona

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Conservative commentator Mark Steyn told Fox News host Tucker Carlson Thursday that the immigration of Hispanic people into the United States would lead to a “cultural transformation,” and that media figures and Democratic politicians were trying to “[import] a class of citizen that they prefer.”

Carlson began the interview by saying Democrats should be held responsible for a potential government shutdown, due to their insistence that language be included in a funding bill to protect young undocumented people. He cut to tape of CNN’s Chris Cuomo chastising White House deputy press secretary Raj Shah for villainizing undocumented immigrants. Cuomo, Steyn noted, went on to say white supremacists were a bigger threat than immigrants who commit terrorism.

“It’s irrelevant,” Steyn, who was born in Canada, said. “The white supremacists are American citizens. The illegal immigrants are people who shouldn’t be here. And the organizing principle of nation states is that they’re organized on behalf of their citizens, whether their citizens are cheerleaders or white supremacists or whatever. You’re stuck with them.”

“This preference that Nancy Pelosi and Chris Cuomo and increasing people have for actually importing a class of citizen that they prefer to the ones they’re stuck with is actually very revealing,” he said.

“But how can you lead a country whose population you despise?” Carlson replied. It was unclear if he was also referring to white supremacists. “I mean, would you be a good parent if you hated your kids? Would you be an effective officer if you didn’t care about the safety of your men?”

“The Democrats are getting very close to saying foreigners are God’s apology for Americans,” Steyn said.

He added: “Whatever the economic benefits, which are minimal and are not evenly distributed, the cultural transformation, which is what’s happening in Sweden, other parts of Europe, and is what’s happening in Arizona, too, that’s forever.”

“In Arizona, a majority of the grade school children now are Hispanic. That means Arizona’s future is as an Hispanic society. That means, in effect, the border has moved north. And the cultural transformation outweighs any economic benefits that that lady was talking about.”

Carlson seemed to agree. “It’s at the very least bewildering for people who grew up here, and that’s real,” he said. “I don’t think you have to be animated by hate or anything to say, ‘Maybe I should have some say in how my country evolves.’”

The interview marked a banner week for Fox News’ long rising star. Also on Thursday night, Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA) claimed that ISIS combatants had crossed the southern border and carried out the Las Vegas shooting massacre. In reality, law enforcement officials hold that Stephen Paddock acted alone on Oct. 1, killing 58 people and wounding hundreds.

Last Friday, Carlson took up a favorite white nationalist talking point, musing based Sen. Lindsay Graham’s (R-SC) contention that America is a set of ideals rather than a group of people: “According to Lindsay Graham, you can take our entire population and swap it out for 320 million, I don’t know, Chinese or Indians or Africans or Canadians or people from New Zealand, and the place would be no different, so long as the idea was still there.” 

And on Tuesday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions told the Fox News host and his millions of viewers: “What good does it do to bring in somebody who is illiterate in their own country, has no skills and is going to struggle in our country and not be successful?”

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  1. Avatar for rssrai rssrai says:

    It is official now, Fox News is the channel for white supremacist.

  2. These guys are insane and they’re on a national cable channel? Ugh.

  3. If it’s “importing a class of people they like” is the issue then lets talk about that. How about importing a billionaire Australian to trash our political discourse and make problem solving a thing of the past. Bringing a guy here that only became an American because the law requires you be one before you can trash America.

    Watch that clip again. It’s the only future America has now. Suicide. Done. RIP.

  4. Hate to break it to these dipshits but, here in Tejas (yes, that’s the way it was spelled), half the towns, rivers, roads, etc south of Austin, not to mention the people and culture are Hispanic in name and/or in origin. So a hearty Fuck You to these imbeciles.

  5. “importing citizens” What a great idea! Why didn’t I think of that before?

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