Larry Wilmore: The Idea Of Designer Babies Is ‘Kinda Hitler-y’ (VIDEO)

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Larry Wilmore on Thursday took a stab at the science surrounding “designer babies,” the potential future of genetically custom-made “Tinder” children.

“This issue is what I like to call ‘fraught as hell,” the host of “The Nightly Show” began. “There’s a lot of emotions, because what we’re talking about is kinda Hitler-y.”

“Okay, we’re not in Hitler town, but we’re definitely in the suburbs,” he said, as an image of the small community of “Hitler Meadows” appeared on screen.

Wilmore proceeded to weigh the pros and cons of designer babies, “something Hitler never did.”

On the pro side, the practice could rid the human race of diseases, create smarter, more athletic kids (“Winklevoss brothers”).

On the con side, the smarter, more athletic kids could turn on us (“Menendez brothers”) and the science would only be available to the wealthy, creating a permanent underclass of artisanal, organic babies.

“Playing God” fell into both the pro and con category.

Watch the clip below:

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