Fox News Buries Its Head In The Sand After State-Level Bloodbath For GOP

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After Democrats swept state-level elections on Tuesday night to win decisive victories from coast to coast, Fox News appeared to seek bliss in ignorance.

The network’s star host Tucker Carlson sounded maudlin as he announced that the network was calling Virginia’s gubernatorial race for Democratic candidate Virginia Lt. Gov. Ralph Northam (D), breaking the news without any of his usual abrasive bombast.

“We’ve got breaking news here. Okay. We are now reporting that Ralph Northam has won the Virginia governor’s race,” Carlson said. “Ralph Northam, the Democrat, beating Ed Gillespie. With 58 percent in, we are projecting that he is the winner tonight.”

Fox News host Sean Hannity promised to cover election results on his show, but ultimately did so for all of six seconds.

“Let’s talk about those results in Virginia, New Jersey, New York, by the way,” Hannity said, listing states that Democrats won, and added for the network’s most prominent viewer, “Not states Donald Trump won.”

Hannity then dropped the subject for the rest of his show.

Newly minted Fox News host and conservative radio host Laura Ingraham spared Republican nominee Ed Gillespie a brief mention, and somehow managed to bring up Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server as secretary of state.

Clinton was not running for office on Tuesday, and has said she is “done with being a candidate.”

Shannon Bream, host of “Fox News Tonight,” similarly managed to bring up the firm behind the so-called Trump dossier that alleges ties between Trump’s campaign and Russia, a document which played no part in Tuesday’s elections.

On Wednesday morning, the network continued its myopic focus on anything but the previous day’s elections.

As of Wednesday afternoon, Fox News’ homepage had just two references to the previous day’s elections, both relegated to the page’s periphery.

On top of it all, the cable network ran a chyron about Gillespie’s loss that was strikingly similar to President Donald Trump’s criticism of the candidate’s strategy.

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Notable Replies

  1. It’s been a fun day over there in the cess pool. Got my Sponge Bob swimmies on and everything. You can tell they’re having trouble deciding whether it’s better to stoke the racist anti-immigration culture war with the story about Mexico opposing that guy being executed because his conviction came amidst gross violations of our treaties and international law (not to mention 11 days being denied representation) OR whether to rile up the base with the story about Trump and the DOJ trying to leverage the AT&T/Time Warner merger to destroy CNN…or at least put it up for sale where a conservative oligarch can grab it. Decisions decisions…

  2. Avatar for j.dave j.dave says:

    Maybe this is the moment of searching reappraisal that we’ve all come to think might be impossible over at Fox.

    Maybe this will be the moment when Fox’s post-Ailes management comes to grips with where their 20-year adventure in alternative fact-peddling has taken us.

    Maybe they will suddenly see that they have engineered Fox into the television arm of Trump’s totalitarian state-run media empire.

    Maybe this is the moment when that long-suppressed capacity for shame finally flickers back to life.

    Maybe this is the moment when they will turn the page on their era of Big Lies and usher in a new age of wisdom and enlightenment, led by reporters and commentators who set aside the ways of bigotry and disinformation and dedicate themselves to serving the greater good of all Americans – a Renaissance, if you will.


    h/t Theodoric of York, Medieval Barber

  3. When grotesque, self-righteous propagandists get their comeuppance, it makes me glad.

  4. Avatar for sanni sanni says:

    Fox news viewers: There were elections? Trump won - Get Over It!

    aka the intentionally blind leading the indoctrinated blind over the precipice.

  5. Sticking their heads in the sand is likely a breath of fresh air compared to where they usually have their heads stuck.
    And where was Tucker Carlson’s signature “furrowed brow of concern”?

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