Reports: US Identified ISIL Hostage Executioner

A man identified as Steven Joel Sotloff with a member of ISIS ISIS behead US Journalist James Wright Foley on video - Aug 2014 (Rex Features via AP Images)
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FBI Director James Comey told reporters on Thursday that the U.S. has identified the Islamic State militant who beheaded American hostages.

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  1. CONGRATULATIONS!!! You, you masked rascal, possess the distinct honor of being the most fucked, dead man walking motherfucker on the face of the earth.

    There can be but one, and it is you.

  2. Avatar for sooner sooner says:

    He can keep that costume on now but we 'll be able to find him by following the trail of excrement.

  3. Avatar for clk clk says:

    How is this considered an article? Doesn’t take much to hit the Bold key and copy/paste a couple of tweets.


  4. Whether or not the guy they think did it in fact did it, he’s not long for this life.

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