Donald Trump: ‘I Would Be The Best For Women’

Golf - Ricoh Women's British Open - Day Three - Trump Turnberry Resort. Donald Trump takes to the Golf course during day three of the Ricoh Women's British Open at the Trump Turnberry Resort, South Ayrshire. Picture ... Golf - Ricoh Women's British Open - Day Three - Trump Turnberry Resort. Donald Trump takes to the Golf course during day three of the Ricoh Women's British Open at the Trump Turnberry Resort, South Ayrshire. Picture date: Saturday August 1, 2015. See PA story GOLF Women. Photo credit should read: Craig Watson/PA Wire. RESTRICTIONS: Editorial use only. No commercial use. No false commercial association. No video emulation. No manipulation of images. URN:23706234 MORE LESS
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Real estate mogul Donald Trump said Monday that he “would be the best for women” if elected President.

The comment came after Trump refused to apologize this weekend for making what some interpreted to be a reference to Fox News host Megyn Kelly’s menstrual cycle.

Mika Brzezinski, a co-host on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” asked the Republican presidential candidate how he would tackle the issues of equal pay and women’s limited access to capitol. In response, Trump switched the topic to women’s health and took a shot at one of his presidential rivals, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R).

“This is the kind of a question I should have been asked [at the debate],” Trump said. “The women’s health issue, which Jeb Bush so amazingly blew about four or five days ago when he said ‘no money going to women’s health issues’ or essentially that. With me, Mika, I would be the best for women, the best for women’s health issues.”

Brzezinski then tried to steer Trump back to the topic of equal pay after he went on a tangent about the first Republican primary debate’s ratings, but to no avail.

“How would you get equal pay passed and how would you enforce it, and then the question of access to capital for women?” she asked.

“As far as questions like that, Mika, I’m not going to do it on this show and I don’t want to discuss it on this show,” Trump said. “I want to discuss those questions at a debate. But all I can say on women’s issues and women’s health issues, there will be nobody better than Donald Trump.”

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  1. Avatar for tao tao says:


    O The Donald, you left us hanging again. I can hardly wait to hear why you would be the best for as you so delicately described “the fat disgusting” women too.

  2. WOmen LOve The DOnaLD. MExican LOVe the DOnald. AmericA lovES the DonalD. AnyboDY wHO doeSN’t IS a fat, UGLY and MENstruaTing or RAPey and ILLEgaL. OR both. LOng LIVe the DONALD!1!1!!!1one!1!!!1!!!1

  3. If there was ever a communication organ that deserves to reap what it has sown, it is FOX.

    With the enthusiastic support of the MSM, which is no longer a functioning Fourth Estate, FOX has created a fact-free “news” service, where frightened, bigoted, insular and xenophobic people (the best prospects for Propaganda) are fed non-stop a drivel of verbal filth packaged as “news”, rendering them as misinformed as serfs…

    In this “news” environment, facts are secondary, dogwhistles primary and there is absolutely no way to stop someone (Trump) who has mastered what FOX has been promoting for years.

    Never apologize
    Always Double Down
    Never Retreat
    Provide Red Meat for the Base

    To the Base, these attempts to “rein in” what is as addictive to the Base as crack cocaine is pathetic, as this amalgam of “analysts” struggle to contain the Godzilla it has created, nurtured and sold.


  4. This latest Trump claim should poll well among Republican women, seeing as Republican women are rabid misogynists.

  5. Avatar for mantan mantan says:

    Lines from the 2016 campaign movie?

    Media-Tell you what, we coulda had a good life together! Fuckin’ real good life! Had us a place of our own. But you didn’t want it, Trump! So what we got now is Brokeback Mountain coverage! Everything’s built on that!

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