DeSantis: ‘Absurd’ To Say That Telling Voters Not To ‘Monkey This Up’ Is Racist

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Florida Republican gubernatorial nominee Ron DeSantis wants you to know he definitely wasn’t being racist in an interview Wednesday when he urged Floridians not to “monkey this up” by voting for the first African-American gubernatorial nominee in the state’s history, Democrat Andrew Gillum. After the interview aired, DeSantis’ campaign tried to clarify his comment. Watch:

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Notable Replies

  1. I see that the GOP has given up on the “it was a joke” strategy and have gone straight to the “self-serving false indignation” opening gambit.

  2. It’s close to “apologies to anyone who was offended” but no cigar.

  3. Of course it’s not racist Bob, that’s disgusting. And I’d like to remind voters not to “Pick a ninny”

  4. Interesting that she has to say at the end that they don’t condone this language. That seems to be acknowledging that it is obviously racist. I assumed Fox would say it was leftists being hyper-sensitive.

  5. I have never in my life heard the phrase “monkey this up”. But no, it’s not racist.

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