Reddit’s “Ask Me Anything” sessions, as the name suggests, give users an opportunity to pose the questions to famous people that they’ve always wanted answered. It turns out fans of Chuck Todd are pretty curious about the new “Meet the Press” moderator’s facial hair and hygiene practices.
Todd participated in the popular online forum on Friday, answering questions about President Obama’s legacy and his concerns about political polling.
He was also asked, for some reason, about his shampoo preference and if he uses conditioner.
Todd, the consummate everyman, told Reddit user sframe9 that he generally goes for “whatever is in the shower.”
“I don’t have enough hair to worry about anything fancy,” he added.
MTPfanboy wanted to know who inspired Todd to grow his famous goatee, and if he admired “anyone else currently in the facial hair game with a goatee.”
“My dad had a full beard; I didn’t like my full beard so I tried a goatee… liked it better and never really gave it up for the reasons I stated earlier regarding my late father,” Todd said.
But will Todd ever opt for the clean-shaven look? Don’t count on it, Todd told dimplejuice.
“I guess I should never say never; I could mess up shaving one morning where I have to shave it for the day… but honestly, every time I look in the mirror and at that beard, I see my late father,” Todd explained. “Shaving it off would feel like getting rid of a piece of him that I carry every day. Sorry for playing sentimentalist, but it happens to be true.”
Do people really care about this stuff? All I want from “journalists” is for them to do their homework and ask smart questions (and I think NBC is overdoing it with all of the personal information they are promoting about Todd; are they hoping to make him more likable?)
Of all the questions he could have been asked, like “Why do you suck up to McCain?” “Why do you always take a contrarian view regarding anything and everything the President does,” Reddit users ask about conditioner?
This is one of the reasons I despise social media and its adherents.
Hard hitting questions from dimplejuice. Impressive.
Hark, is that a Big Russ on the horizon?
Now that’s what I call “edgy!”