The bizarre marriage annulment proceedings between Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) and his wife Lolita Grayson took yet another turn toward the outrageous during a court hearing on Monday.
After a tentative agreement fell through, Grayson told television station WFTV that the fault of the collapse was with his wife.
“I’ll sum it up for you,” Grayson told WFTV. “Gold diggers gotta dig. That’s all I’m gonna say. … We had an agreement. She’s trying to renege.”
WFTV reporter Kathi Belich added to the spectacle by adding some kind words about Grayson and some not-so-kind words about his estranged wife.
Belich began her report by painting Grayson as the Harvard University-educated, self-made millionaire who was duped by his wife.
“He’s no dummy, but Lolita Grayson, who fooled him for 24 years about having been divorced from her first husband at the time of her wedding with the self-made millionaire, dragged him back into court today,” Belich said.
After getting Grayson’s “gold digger” comment, Belich pursued Lolita Grayson, repeatedly asking her if the congressman’s portrayal was accurate.
“Congressman just called you a gold digger. Is that true?” Belich asked. “Are you a gold digger?”
Lolita Grayson laughed at the question as her attorney ushered her away.
Belich said Lolita Grayson had recently fired her attorney and hired a new one. Belich also described some of the oddities of the case.
“The mother of his five children filed for divorce last year with accusations of affairs, domestic violence, which videos showed was untrue, and stories about their sex life that could’ve been called ‘Fifty Shades of Grayson,’” she said.
Grayson was never arrested for the allegations of violence, with investigators citing a lack of evidence.
Before Monday’s hearing, the Graysons marriage annulment was already fraught, including the congressman accusing his wife of bigamy.
Watch the video below, courtesy of WFTV:
h/t Politico
congressman grayson I like ya for speaking out against the idiocy of the republicon party and tell’in dems to grow a set… but in this matter just shut the phuck up ok your not do’in yourself any favors
This type of language - in public and something that is hard to take back - is unnecessary. He was married to her and (as I recall) share children. Grayson needs to shut up with this talk.
He’s not looking well, either.
Worst soft porn title ever.
You stay classy Congressman. Never liked this asshat, like him less now.