A man and his umbrella

A cow stands alone

Homes in Yucaipa


Traffic on the 14


The kids are all right

Snow bears

‘The worst snowstorm’ in 31 years

A buried church

Fresh snow

Snow covered lanes

Snowed out

Snow in every direction

The Big Bear Valley

Free the family car

The collapsed roof of Goodwins Market


A crew of inmate firefighters

No power

Over a billion served

Restocking the market

Residents shovel snow from in front of a church

National Guard clears snow


Fischer in the snow

A person walks by a Motel 6


Spike Todd shovels

People working to shovel a rooftop

So much snow

A snowblower in the night

A bus and cars drive past snowbanks

Flooded laundry


People shovel snow from a roof

Carl’s Jr.

Snow and clouds merge

A person running


Mammoth Lakes Fire Department firefighters

Snow covered roofs

Snowbanks piled high

Mammoth mountain

Some pretty epic photos!
Those clouds look just like mountains!
a couple days after the 12/31 - 1/1 snowstorm on the NV side of the Sierras…
Cow: What the…?
And that looks apocalyptic. The last Carl’Jr, waiting for a customer that will never come.