Most of our memories of Martin Luther King, Jr., are in black and white, making his life and work seem longer ago and almost quaint, like the horn-rimmed glasses and skinny dark ties of the era.
So this morning I culled some of the color photos of King from our AP archives. There aren’t many of them, but they’re bracing. Take a look:

At a news conference in Birmingham, Ala., May 9, 1963.

At the Lincoln Memorial for his “I Have a Dream” speech during the March on Washington, D.C., Aug. 28, 1963.

Alabama, 1965.

Alabama, 1965.

The march from Memphis, Tenn. to Jackson, Miss., June 9, 1965.

On Oct. 24, 1966 in Atlanta , Ga.

Testifying before the Senate Government Operations subcommittee in Washington Dec. 15, 1966.

At a peace rally in New York City, April 15, 1967

The balcony of the Lorraine Motel, Mulberry Street, Memphis, Tenn., April 6, 1968, two days after the assassination.

Mourners in Sisters Chapel at Spelman College in Atlanta, Ga., on Sunday, April 8, 1968.

A brace of plow mules drawing the farm wagon bearing the mahogany casket along the funeral procession route in Atlanta, Ga., April 9, 1968. Reverend Jesse Jackson, in green, and Andrew Young, at the left corner of the casket, are among some of the mourners.