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This note from TPM Reader MW made my day …

I was reading Josh’s post about No One Left Behind. My wife (now deceased) and I have benefited from your program for a long time. This is something I am very grateful for. It isn’t that we could not get good news somewhere else. It is very much about the quality, the people involved in making it work, the connection you have with the readers, the fellowship between the readers, and even something beyond all of that. The dream Josh and you all have brought forward with this project is infectious. 

When I mentioned this before to Josh I am not sure he understood how or why readers would become so involved with what TPM is. TPM is inclusive of all people and not just members. That is the best part. But the quality and drive behind the reporting is unmatched in my opinion. And that certainly is not just my opinion. I am sure since then that others have said the same thing. I think you all realize you have a lot of people cheering you on and if you don’t you should.

Being disabled makes even the smallest amounts of money a big deal. And yet TPM was and is important enough to us we were going to pay for a membership even though it meant going without milk and similar stuff sometimes. Josh wouldn’t hear of it and insisted we enroll to get our memberships subsidized. And I am grateful to Josh as well as every person working at TPM for this amazing program.

And I am simply amazed at all the people contributing to the fund. For all the reasons they do so. And especially because they help people like me get a service that is very important to them. And there are many reasons it is important to us. Not least of which is because we believe in what TPM represents.

Please share this email with everyone there at TPM. You all probably don’t hear enough that you really are appreciated and that so many of us share the dream of what TPM represents. And as crazy as it sounds you all have a mostly silent fan club. Sometimes I wish we weren’t so silent but that is human nature for you.

If I could I would thank all of those who contribute to the fund.  Someday I will contribute to it myself and that time is not far away. Maybe not during this drive given my current circumstances but I am confident I will in the next. And maybe I still can with this one. I hope so. I could just keep accepting the help and not contributing but TPM actually is important and worth sharing. Things have been rough, make no mistake, but in my opinion it is important enough to sacrifice for, even if I do have to skip milk every once in a while.

And if there is any part of this you find worthy of posting, please do. I assure you, I am not alone. Maybe more of the silent club will write in too. But you know how human nature is and all, so it is hit and miss. Nonetheless, just like me, they are there.

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