The same group that crashed Newt Gingrich’s fundraiser on Wednesday night invaded a private fundraiser Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) held at a D.C. restaurant on Thursday.
Demonstrators with Take Back The Capitol walked into Johnny’s Half Shell as Graham and his supporters were enjoying their salad course. Graham listened to the protestors tell stories about being unemployed as other attendees either listened to the protestors or awkwardly stared at their plates.
Graham later offered to help some of their protestors, including a now unemployed Marine who served in Iraq from 2005 to 2009. Protestors asked if he would support the American Jobs Act and extend unemployment benefits. He said he wouldn’t support the Jobs Act but said he would vote for unemployment benefits.
“I really appreciate you coming by, this is a way to engage, but I’m going to run for office, and come to South Carolina and try to beat me if you don’t like what I’m doing,” Graham told the protestors.
Video of the incident, sent to TPM by an employee of the Service Employees International Union, is embedded below.