Daily Show Mocks Fox News’ Obsession With Food Stamps And Seafood (VIDEO)

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“The Daily Show” host John Stewart on Tuesday mocked Fox News for its tendency to report on anecdotes about food stamp abuse.

Stewart joked about a new slogan for the channel, “We read the chain emails your grandma gets in her inbox out loud like they were true.”

“Yes, you do hear all these stories, whether or not they’re true, indicative of widespread abuse, not really the point here!” Stewart said.

He also criticized Fox for its obsession with keeping people on food stamps from buying seafood, which he dubbed the “Mercedes of food.”

“What’s with the fucking fish?!” he asked.

Stewart pointed out that Fox News criticizes poor people from using food stamps to purchase junk food and for buying organic seafood.

“What’s the right mixture of quality and class-based shame?” he asked.

Watch the segments via Comedy Central:

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