Rep. Aaron Schock (R-IL), one of the youngest members of Congress, slammed the Affordable Care Act as a “ripoff” for slapping a high price tag on health insurance for young people.
The health care law shifts “the cost of older and sicker patients onto young people,” Schock said in the weekly Republican address, to “keep premiums from skyrocketing.”
“In Washington, they call this ‘community rating,’ but where I come from, we call it a ripoff,” he added.
Schock also blasted the Obama administration’s push to market the health care law to youth with the aid of celebrity endorsements.
“No matter how many actors, and rappers, and rock stars the president rolls out, the best sales pitch in the world can’t sell a bad product,” he said. “And this health care law is a bad product for young people.”
That “bad product,” Schock said, is hurting President Barack Obama’s credibility with the young people that voted him into office.
“Young people helped put the president in office, and with this health care law, he’s pushing them into years of less choice, fewer opportunities, and larger bills,” he said. “This isn’t how it was supposed to be.”
Obama touted 500,000 December enrollments through the federal health care exchange in a Friday press conference, although no official enrollment totals for the month were released.