MSNBC’s Steve Kornacki Visibly Stunned By Chris Matthews’ Abrupt Departure

(Screenshot: MSNBC/Snapstream)
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MSNBC correspondent Steve Kornacki was left shocked by now-former colleague Chris Matthews’ sudden resignation on Monday night.

“That was a lot to take in just now, I’m sure, and I’m sure you’re still absorbing that and I am too,” Kornacki said immediately after the commercial break that followed Matthews’ announcement.

The reporter praised Matthews as “a giant” and “a legend.”

“It’s been an honor for me to work with him, to sit in here on occasion,” Kornacki said. “And I know how much you meant to him and I know how much he meant to you, and I think you’re going to miss him and I know I’m going to.”

Matthews announced his resignation at the very beginning of his program, “Hardball,” on Monday after he was slammed for his belligerent interview with 2020 presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) last week on the subject of Michael Bloomberg’s alleged misogynistic comments. Several days after the interview, GQ Magazine writer Laura Bassett wrote a column on the sexist remarks Matthews had made to her and other women.

As he was issuing his goodbye, Matthews apologized for making the comments.

“Compliments on a woman’s appearance that some men, including me, might have once incorrectly thought were okay were never okay,” the host said. “Not then and certainly not today, and for making such comments in the past, I’m sorry.”

Watch Kornaki below:

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Notable Replies

  1. Steve Kornacki - the very definition of a nice guy who is fun to watch when he gets so excited about math.

  2. Way past time for Matthews to go, I could barely stand having him on panels. Now if only chuck would follow suit…

  3. I could not stand to watch or listen to Matthews. He talked over people, filibustered when he should’ve been asking questions and listening to responses, and was grossly insensitive. He was way past his pull date. I am glad he is gone.

  4. Avatar for ne43 ne43 says:

    When was Matthews a giant? He’s a legend only because so many wonder why a guest would go on his show to be interrupted and have his spittle in their face.
    OTT, Steve. You don’t get it.

  5. Whatever stops Kornaki from bouncing of the walls. I can’t watch him without feeling that I need to take a tranq myself.

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