Glenn Beck On His Time At Fox News: I Said Some ‘Stupid Things’ (VIDEO)

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Glenn Beck lamented his role in widening the gap between Democrats and Republicans while he was at Fox News during an interview that aired Sunday on CNN’s “Reliable Sources.”

“Unintentionally I feel I’ve added — we all have, all of us — have added to the situation that we’re in right now,” he told CNN’s Brian Stelter. “We are much more fragile than I thought.”

“When you live your life for five hours a day on live television or radio, you’re going to say stupid things,” he continued.

Stelter asked if one of the “stupid things” was calling President Obama racist.

“Of course it was,” Beck responded.

Beck described to Stelter his decision to leave Fox News and start his own channel, The Blaze.

“If you don’t leave now, you’ll lose your soul,” Beck said he told himself right before he announced his decision to leave Fox.

Watch the clip via CNN:

H/t Huffington Post

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  1. “If you don’t leave now, you’ll lose your soul,”

    Maybe in MLB you can swing at a fat pitch but…I can’t. I just can’t.

    Some of the Stupid Things Said By the Beckster:

    1. During his “I Have A Scheme” speech, Beck claimed half a million people showed up. (Actually, 85,000 did.)

    2. Claimed to his followers at the “I Have a Scheme” rally that he held the original inaugural statement in his hand that was penned by George Washington. (True to form, Beck admitted later that this was a lie but it really didn’t matter.)

    3. Claimed Green Jobs presidential adviser Van Jones had been convicted of a felony. ( Beck admitted much later that this was a lie but too but that it really didn’t matter. This is a guy who’s supposed to stand for honor and integrity?)

    4. Claimed that Robert Creamer, a liberal activist, was a “unrepentant convicted felon.” (Ummm. No. Creamer was very repentant, confessing to bank fraud and paying all the money back that he owed the IRS, plus penalties. Beck also said the security breach at a state dinner November 24, 2009 was to distract attention from Creamer. )

    5. Swore that 45% of doctors said they would quit if health care reform passed. (It’s passed. They aren’t quitting.)

    6. This was a real beaut. Beck claimed that John Holdren, the director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, promoted abortions and putting substances in drinking water that would leave people sterile. ( He never said any such thing.)

    7. Back when he was going Full Metal Birther. Beck said we are the only country in the world that has citizenship on birth, (No we aren’t. Guatemala, Canada, Romania, Brazil, Mexico, Pakistan, to mention a few, all have it.)

    8. Back during the Victory Mosque controversy, the Beckster claimed that the wife of Imam Rauf, the muslim heading up the construction of the Park 51 project claims that all Americans hate Muslims. (She didn’t, she said it was the protestors at the project who seemed to hate Muslims.)

  2. Beckster’, do NOT include me (we, us, they…) in all of us.

    You fanned the hot winds of the Sal Russo fart episode, nationally, until even Joseph Goebbels, er, I mean Roger Ailes thought better of your style.

    Not to worry though, he still has inane personalities a plenty as the demographic for that business model, slowly succumbs to actuarial tables.

    We older somethings, who still have a brain and some sense of morality never signed up to begin with.

  3. He’s a sick person. He needs help–not a platform. Somebody take away his microphone and media access.

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