Clinton Tells ‘Ellen’: Trump ‘Literally Stalked’ Me During The Debate (VIDEO)

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, right, speaks as Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump listens during the second presidential debate at Washington University in St. Louis, Sunday, Oct. 9, 2016... Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, right, speaks as Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump listens during the second presidential debate at Washington University in St. Louis, Sunday, Oct. 9, 2016. (Rick T. Wilking/Pool via AP) MORE LESS
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Hillary Clinton recounted Donald Trump bizarrely following her around the stage during the second presidential debate, telling Ellen Degeneres in a show that aired Friday that he “literally stalked” her.

In an appearance on “Ellen,” Clinton said she thought his constant looming behind her while she spoke during the debate had to do with the leak of a video of Trump making predatory comments in 2005.

“Because of the revelation of the public video, and everything that came out on ‘Access Hollywood,’ you know, he was really all wrought up, and you could just sense how much anger he had,” Clinton said. “And so, he was really trying to dominate and then literally stalk me around the stage.”

Clinton said that she could feel Trump standing behind her as she went to speak to one of the undecided voters who posed a question at the town hall-style debate.

“It was so odd, because I’d go to talk to somebody and I would just feel this presence behind me, and you know, I thought, ‘Whoa this is really weird,'” she said.

Trump already has dismissed the notion that he followed Clinton across the stage, telling supporters at a rally this week that the “last space” he’d “want to invade is her space.”

Clinton, who has so stayed mostly mum about allegations that surfaced this week against Trump that he had groped and kissed women without their consent, told Degeneres she found the news “distressing.” But she said she does not want people to think the revelations will necessarily sink Trump.

“I don’t want anybody to think that this election is over,” she said. “Because it’s been so unpredictable until now, that I’m not taking anything for granted.”

Watch the clip below via “Ellen:”

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  1. Avatar for jinnj jinnj says:

    I am stunned that somebody has not quantified both of their movements and analyzed “movements toward” / ‘neutral movements’ / “movements away from” their opponent … draw an imaginary 6 foot circle around each - and determine frequency of ‘space invasion’ likely Trump will look like a passive aggressive psycho - however his supporters become ecstatic every time he make a psycho move!

  2. Avatar for mcbain mcbain says:

    Absolutely bizarre that Trump did this. Clearly he was trying to intimidate her, but it came across as way more psycho than tough guy.

  3. He was channeling Al Gore

  4. Sec. C. is working at getting under Trump’s skin for next week’s Vegas dust-up.

  5. Avatar for daled daled says:

    I’m convinced his intent was to always stay within her shot, essentially expressing his dissatisfaction with her, her answers, her candidacy. So that, in addition to the split screen shot, we could all see WHY he was glowering, making his silent disapproval of his opponent visible and palatable and giving him twice the screen time.

    I’m sure it was entirely calculated by him. And yeah, I guess that IS stalking.

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