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CNN Host Grills Cruz About Ebola And GOP Opposition To Surgeon General (VIDEO)

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CNN host Candy Crowley on Sunday challenged Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) while asking him how Republican decisions may have negatively impacted the United States’ ability to address Ebola.

Crowley asked how the sequester hurt funding for the Centers for Disease Control and how the National Rifle Association’s opposition to President Obama’s nominee for surgeon general, Dr. Vivek Murthy, also hurt the American response.

“We haven’t had a Surgeon General — who is the nation’s leading public health official, at least the voice of it — for a year. Some Democrats and some Republicans had opposed the particular surgeon general the president had nominated. Do you think it would have helped A. If NIH and CDC had had a little more money and B. Had there been a surgeon general to kind of calm what has been the fear of Ebola?” Crowley asked on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

“Of course we should have a surgeon general in place,” Cruz responded. “And we don’t have one because President Obama, instead of nominating a health professional, he nominated someone who is an anti-gun activist.”

“And a doctor,” Crowley jumped in.

Cruz conceded that Murthy is a doctor, but he then called him a “crusader against second amendment rights.”

“And the funding, Senator?” Crowley asked.

The senator insisted that CDC funding has increased, but said that the CDC should use whatever resources it needs.

He then bashed Obama’s decision to nominate Ron Klain to lead the U.S. efforts to combat Ebola.

“We don’t need another political operative, which is what Mr. Klain has been,” Cruz said.

Watch the video via CNN:

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  1. Avatar for pine pine says:

    Just why I am refusing to watch the tube climate change deniers are now experts on Ebola.Cut funding,no Surgeon General and folks like Cruz sound so asinine.Thanks Candy for standing up to these fools for a change.

  2. “The senator insisted that CDC funding has increased, but said that the CDC should use whatever resources it needs.” Why is the media allowing repugs to continue to tell this lie? They cut funding, it’s a matter of public record.

  3. Why the hell don’t the democrats call the Republicans on their lies again and again?

    They sit their spewing falsehoods and democrat politicians take it, so people start to believe the lies.


  4. Avatar for sooner sooner says:

    Crowley’s “grilling” was little more than her paving a path for Crud to spew the standard GOTP approved talking points. Obama’s nominee for Surgeon General cannot be a health care professional becuz he’s not a gun nut and BENGHAAZZIII!!@Q!!1!!

    And if the Center for Disease Control needs more money they should be doing what all good underpaid and starving 'Muricans are doing during these times of record Corporate Citizen profits.

    Playing Powerball.

  5. Because Democrats aren’t willing to fight and fight hard. I mean, if I was head of the DNC I would be running ads across the country in which McConnell’s vow to stop Obama at any cost would be the focus- along with a notation that the GOP filibustered more bills in the last six years than had been filibustered in pretty much the entirety of the nation’s history. I would be running ads in which the GOP is heard voicing their views of the lower classes along with the tagline “they’re not talking about someone else- they’re talking about you- their base”. I would be questioning their patriotism from sea to shining sea!

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