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CNN’s Ana Navarro: Trump Is A ‘70-Year-Old Man-Baby’ Acting Like A ‘Mean Girl’

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CNN commentator and Republican strategist Ana Navarro on Thursday gave President Donald Trump a comprehensive dressing-down over his attack on “Morning Joe” host Mika Brzezinski’s appearance.

“When I first saw the tweet this morning I was frankly disgusted. I thought to myself, this dude has such a fixation with women and blood. What is wrong with him?” Navarro told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer. “And then you remember that this dude, this disgusting dude, is the President of the United States.”

Navarro said Trump “is diminishing the presidency of the United States.”

“You realize that what he is doing is not just acting for Donald Trump. He’s acting for all of us. He’s acting for our President, and he is embarrassing. He is shameful. He is disgusting,” Navarro said.

She condemned elected Republicans’ lukewarm response to Trump’s comments.

“I’m really tired of hearing words like disappointed, like disturbed, like ‘I’m bothered,’ like ‘I wish he wouldn’t do it,'” Navarro said. “It’s time that somebody looks at the camera and looks at him and calls him up and says, ‘Listen, you crazy, lunatic 70-year-old man-baby, stop it. You are now the President of United States, the commander-in-chief, and you need to stop acting like a mean girl. Because we just won’t take it. We won’t vote with you. We won’t work with you.'”

She said Trump “lacks the sufficient character” to be President and is “mean” and “nasty,” an insult Trump once levied against Hillary Clinton.

“We have a President who is immature, unstable and just acts like a crazy person with anybody who attacks him because he’s got thin skin and he is never going to pivot,” Navarro said.

She called on Ivanka Trump, Melania Trump, White House chief of staff Reince Priebus and “any Republican on the hill” to “stop enabling” Trump.

“Confront this and confront this hard, or it will never stop, and it will embarrass all of us,” Navarro said. “It will take the presidency low, low, low.”

“I suspect the President’s not going to accept your advice, but what do you believe he needs to do to fix this?” Blitzer asked.

“Stop. Look, if you can’t control your tweeting habits, then stop tweeting. Go seek therapy. Go knit. Find a hobby. Talk to your wife. Do anger management,” Navarro suggested.

She said Trump needs to realize he is “no longer just” a private citizen and businessman.

“You are speaking for an entire country and our people do not deserve to be embarrassed and represented by somebody who is so unfit for the job,” Navarro said. “So you’ve got to start pivoting. You’ve got to start acting presidential. You should have started six months ago. But start now, if you couldn’t do it back then.”

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Notable Replies

  1. Expect to hear from the attorney from the “Mean Girls of America” for that slanderous comparison, Ms. Navarro…

  2. LOVE this. Ana Navarro can be a pain but she has stayed consistent on what a jackass Trump is.

    “It’s time that somebody looks at the camera and looks at him and calls him up and says, ‘Listen, you crazy, lunatic 70-year-old man-baby, stop it. You are now the President of United States, the commander-in-chief, and you need to stop acting like a mean girl. Because we just won’t take it. We won’t vote with you. We won’t work with you.’”

  3. Avatar for ghost ghost says:

    Watch out, Ana, Trump will be pissed that you are insufficiently afraid of and subservient to him. Dear Leader demands respect!

    Applause to Ms. Navarro for saying what needs to be said.

  4. Avatar for ebal ebal says:

    Too late for that. One of these people has to look at the camera and say it’s time for him to go.

  5. A 70-year-old man-baby surrounded by groveling sycophants, who has skated through life after getting his start with his daddy’s money and connections, is not going to change the way he acts.

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