Samuel Alito

Alito Relishes International Backlash Over Roe’s Demise
INSIDE: Mnuchin ... Matt Schlapp ... Durbin
Where Things Stand: Alito’s Roe Opinion Was Filled With Language Pushed By Evangelical Group
This is your TPM evening briefing.

A former leader of a religious right activist group recently admitted on a podcast that the language that Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito used in his damning majority opinion overturning Roe v. Wade mirrored rhetoric the Christian group has been pushing on Supreme Court justices for decades.

Rev. Rob Schenck recently appeared on an episode of the State of Belief podcast to discuss his efforts as a former member of the group Faith and Action to, essentially, sway justices’ views on social issues through prayer sessions. The interview is from earlier this month, but Politico surfaced it here. It’s worth a listen if you want to get a better understanding of how these unofficial evangelical lobbying-via-prayer efforts work, but it reinforces a theme we covered earlier this summer when an official at the evangelical organization, Liberty Counsel, was caught on a hot mic bragging about secretly praying with Supreme Court justices.

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Alito The Troll Makes His Return
One Potential Supreme Court Case Could Transform US Election Law
Two Paragraphs Signed By Alito Might Ultimately Decide PA Senate Race
Alito Calls Landmark Supreme Court Decision Expanding LGBTQ Worker Rights ‘Indefensible’
Trump’s 2020 Coup Failures Could Be 2024 Successes Prime Badge
Draft Overturning Roe Quotes Infamous Witch Trial Judge With Long-Discredited Ideas On Rape
Justice Alito’s leaked opinion cites Sir Matthew Hale, a 17th-century jurist who conceived the notion that husbands can’t be prosecuted for raping their wives, who sentenced women to death as “witches,” and whose misogyny stood out even in his time.
Alito Abandons First Scheduled Public Appearance Since Roe Opinion Leak
Where Things Stand: A Link Between Backsliding Democracies And Abortion Bans
This is your TPM evening briefing.

There’s lots of brilliant think pieces from reporters, scholars and political observers to consume today to help wrap one’s head around the gravity of the last 24-hours. Here’s another take to add to the list this evening.

New York Times writer Max Fisher flagged a piece he published back in September 2021 here:

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