When people talk about setting personal goals, they often fixate on issues like weight loss, earning more money or getting organized. But none of these external markers of success will lead to happiness if you don’t care for your inner needs. Finding your zen no matter where you are in life helps you appreciate what you already have and gives you the energy you need to follow through on those other goals. A lifetime subscription to the Forbes-recommended app Aura Premium can get you started on your journey.
Aura Premium was created by top meditation teachers and therapists. It helps relieve stress with daily mindfulness meditations that come in three, seven or 10-minute sessions so you can get some “om” no matter how much time you have. Groundbreaking artificial intelligence personalizes your meditations, so you’ll get the most out of your mindfulness, and additional wellness content like life coaching sessions, stories and music make Aura more than a typical meditation app. You can also set daily reminders to stop and breathe and track your mood to visually see yourself improve.
Achieve equilibrium and set yourself up for success with a lifetime subscription to Aura Premium. Normally it costs $399.99, but you can snag it today for just $79.99.