Whether you realize it or not, you read all day. You may not be digging into a Dickens novel, but you’re probably looking at nutrition facts when you pour your cereal, reading hundreds of updates on your Facebook feed during your lunch break, and checking your text messages before you head to bed. Some information is bound to slip through your memory’s cracks when you’re doing all that reading, and when you add school, work and pleasure reading to the mix it can overwhelm your memory. A speed reading class can lighten your mental load, but your efforts are wasted if you don’t know any strategies to retain what you’ve read. The Become A SuperLearner 2 class explores the cognitive and neurological factors behind smarter learning to enhance your reading speed and improve your recall.
Become A SuperLearner 2 was created after the runaway success of instructor Jonathan Levi’s first installment — the original Become A SuperLearner taught more than 60,000 online students how to efficiently absorb and recall information. Levi’s classes go above and beyond standard speed reading curriculum by emphasizing advanced memory techniques. You’ll learn how to leverage these techniques to learn new skills, like foreign languages, faster than ever, and you’ll develop the new cognitive infrastructure your brain needs to support massive amounts of knowledge.
Become A SuperLearner 2 usually retails for $144.99, but right now it’s on sale for a mere $9.