Anyone who’s ever tried sneaking in a few minutes at the end of the night to catch up on their favorite show knows the struggle of finding that perfect TV volume. Following dialogue, without waking up your light-sleeping partner or disturbing the little one you finally got into bed is a challenge, and relying on closed captioning chains your eyes to the screen and dilutes your viewing experience. The HomeSpot Dual Stream Audio Transmitter turns your TV into a Bluetooth-enabled wireless streaming machine and delivers crystal-clear sound straight to your headphones.
Your wireless headphones are great for working out, and the Dual Stream Audio Transmitter makes them just as useful when you’re kicking back on the couch. With true wireless freedom, you can hear every word of your favorite series without bothering your partner, even if you’re lying in bed next to them. The transmitter is smaller than a deck of cards and easily hooks up to your TV in just a few minutes. You can pair it to two wireless devices simultaneously if someone else in the room wants to listen in, and the transmitter will automatically re-pair with previously used devices when you turn it on. Most importantly, the device delivers high-quality audio that keeps up with the onscreen action to avoid that annoying lip-sync effect.
The HomeSpot Dual Stream Bluetooth Audio Transmitter normally retails for $69.99, but you can get it now for only $29.99 — that’s a savings of 57%.