Public speaking is a common concern for most people: only 10% of the population gets geared up and excited for a big presentation. But becoming a member of that 10% (or reducing your public speaking grumbles) has a lot of benefits: harnessing the power of public speaking makes you the life of any party, the go-to guru at work, or you can apply the skills on a smaller scale to become a great one-on-one conversationalist. Public speaking classes can help, but it’s hard to find enough time to dedicate to an in-person course. The online classes in the Public Speaking Bundle teach you how to captivate an audience on your own schedule.
This bundle contains four classes taught by award-winning college professors, entrepreneurs and life coaches designed to get you up to the podium with confidence. The Complete Public Speaking and Presentation Course is broken into 12 sections that cover items like identifying your audience, key preparation tips and structuring a speech. A class in Mind Mapping shows you how to visually brainstorm for more eclectic speech topics, and the Persuasion Masterclass takes you beyond being a speaker and into being a powerful influencer. The bundle wraps up with Public Speaking Hacks, a selection of quick but mighty tips on everything from stage fright to writing speeches faster.
Usually, you’d have to hand over more than $600 for all four of these classes, but right now The Public Speaker Bundle is on sale for just $19.