Microsoft Office is a must-know tool for anyone to have in their arsenal: it’s the most popular business software in the world, and it’s a requirement for countless jobs. If you’re applying for a new position that requires Office fluency, or if you haven’t had time to keep up with the program’s frequent updates, it might seem overwhelming to tackle an Office education. With the eLearnExcel + ELearnOffice School, you can become well-versed in all eight applications and become your company’s Office wizard for less than $50.
The eLearnExcel half of this bundle has bite-sized lessons to break down formulas, functions, graphs and more. Exclusive quizzes will help you assess and increase your Office skills, and linking your Microsoft Skills Dashboard to your resume will show potential employers that you know how to maneuver your way around a spreadsheet.
More than 650,000 people across the globe have used the eLearnOffice School to enhance their skills. In these courses, you’ll take on Word, PowerPoint, OneNote, OneDrive, Outlook, Access, Calendar and refresh your Excel memory. Mini-lessons in each program prevent information overload while still creating a solid knowledge base within Microsoft’s programs. You’ll also earn skill points that you can show off through Office quizzes to bring your resume to the top of the pile.
Normally a lifetime subscription to the eLearnExcel and eLearnOffice School goes for over $1,000, but right now you can get it for 95% off for a sale price of just $49.