Josh Marshall

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Josh Marshall is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of TPM.

Let’s Close the Week Strong

You’ve gotten us off to a solid first week of our TPM Journalism Fund drive. We’re hoping to get to the $125,000 milestone by the end of today. That’s 5/8 of the way toward our goal. This drive is really important for TPM and, as I’ve said, if you’re already a member it’s just a single click. Super easy. If you’ve been planning on contributing or considering it, please make today the day. Just take a moment right now. Like this actual moment and click right here. As I said, it’s just one click. Super easy.

We truly appreciate it.

The Curious Jan 6 Moonwalk of ‘Team Normal’

There he was, on tape if not in person: Bill Stepien, the very campaign manager of Donald Trump’s 2020 reelection campaign, explaining calmly and matter of factly that President Trump lost, he and the candidate knew he had lost and every conspiracy theory and false claim and desperate attempt to stay in power was in the words of Bill Barr, bullshit. It wasn’t even begrudging nor presented as an admission. Just matter of fact.

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Very Interesting Prime Badge

I’m not sure I agree with all of this. But TPM Reader JB captures an important part of what’s happening in these hearings.

Politically, the best thing about hearings is the optics.   So important.

Dems are in charge.  They sit on high and Trumpers come before them, either in person or video, and are asked to explain their behavior in public. 

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Half Way There!

I want to again thank everyone who has contributed so far to our TPM Journalism Fund drive. Just a few moments ago we hit a big milestone, half way toward our ambitious but critical goal of raising $200,000. So thank you. We know from experience that the second half is a much heavier lift than the first, just in the nature of things. But we feel good about being here on the third day after we publicly announced the drive. If you’ve seen our announcements and have been planning to contribute, please make today the day. If you’re already a member it’s literally just one click. Super easy. Just click right here.


Two new big stories out tonight (here and here) make even more clear that Ginni Thomas, the wife of Justice Clarence Thomas, was actively involved in the effort to overthrow the American republic. While they don’t say so directly they make it seem overwhelmingly likely that Thomas was feeding Trump lawyer John Eastman details of the internal deliberations of the Court. They also show that Trump lawyers hoped a show of violence on January 6th would cow the Court into accepting one of Trump’s challenges.

Very Important

I know from past experience that when we do a drive of any sort there’s a large group of readers who’ve already decided they’re going to join or contribute. But only a fraction get to it, at least at first. It means stopping the progress of your day for a moment, maybe getting out your wallet. It’s easier to do it some time later. Believe me, I’m the worst offender on this front. If that’s you, if you’re thinking about contributing to our drive or have already decided that you probably will, please make it today. Just take a moment right now. Like literally right now. If you’re a member, it’s literally just one click. It will take you 30 seconds. Not exaggerating. Just click right here.

It’s easy. It will immediately boost the mood of everyone working at TPM. And it will provide a critical boost for our organization. Here’s more on what the drive is about and why it’s so important.

Thank you.

Remind Me Why We Have Sheriffs? Prime Badge

I hope you get a chance to read Matt Shuham’s feature piece today about “constitutional sheriff” Dar Leaf. It really brings together the current rage for Trump era “voter fraud” conspiracy theories and our much longer-term interest in far-right anti-government radicalism. When I got to thinking about this a few weeks ago it suddenly occurred to me that almost always when there was one of these figures it was a sheriff. In this case I’m not talking about the so-called “constitutional sheriffs,” though that’s a big part of it. I’m talking about Joe Arpaio in Maricopa County, Arizona or Alex Villanueva in LA County, David Clarke in Milwaukee. Like I said, these guys are always the sheriffs.

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Leap Into the Unknown

I want to again thank everyone who contributed today to our drive. If you haven’t yet, please take a moment to do so now at this link if you’re able. Launching these drives is both a mysterious and oddly stressful process. It’s a bit like jumping out of a plane without knowing if you have a parachute. When do you find out? Well, when you pull the cord, of course. Or diving into a pool in the dark. You’ll find out if there’s water in the pool soon enough.

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Please Read This Very Important Message

This week we are kicking off our annual drive for The TPM Journalism Fund. This year the drive is particularly important because this has been an especially difficult year for news publishing generally and us in particular. If you are a member you are already supporting our work. But if TPM is important to you, today I am inviting you to contribute to the Fund if you are able. If that’s all you need to hear, please just click right here.

The TPM Journalism Fund is designed to accomplish two things. Produce more journalism and make our journalism more accessible. The Fund does that in two ways. First, it supports the work of the whole TPM Team. Second, for every $60 contributed to the Fund, we will create a membership for a student or someone experiencing financial hardship.

We hear from core readers a lot asking, “What more can I do, what more do you guys need?” That’s why we created the Fund. In 2020 it allowed us to add a new member to the team even during the incredibly brutal economics of the first year of the pandemic. This year our focus is not so much on growing — though it would be wonderful to do that — but rather on sustaining our efforts. So this drive is really very important for TPM.

Having sounded a bit of an alarm about the importance of this year’s drive, I owe you some explanation. 

Over the years I’ve told you about the general discontents and woes of the news publishing business, especially starting in the middle of the last decade. Those remain the case. In some ways they have intensified. But the last year has brought a different kind of challenge. These times are, as you may feel yourself, the winter of our discontents. People see our politics in a dismal state. They have a general foreboding about what comes next. 

Our existing members — you — have continued to remain steadfast and renew at exceptional rates. But a publication needs to be signing up new readers at a certain pace just to keep up with what publishers call “churn” — the inevitable coming and going of subscribers that is the case for any publication. This climate has made getting new sign ups particularly difficult. For the present, that has made us even more reliant on the TPM Journalism Fund. 

We have also been brainstorming internally about new ways to tailor our offerings to this particular moment — something a vital publication always needs to do. And we have some new offerings coming on that front — ones which I think you will also enjoy. But for now, we are very reliant on meeting our goal for this drive which is to raise $200,000 for the Fund, a bit under 7% of our annual budget.

And with that, we are under way on this year’s drive. If you’re able to contribute, please just click right here. Thank you again for being a reader, a member and a contributor. We truly appreciate your support.

Follow Up

It occurs to me that some may read the post below about the U.S. and Saudi Arabia as an indictment, that the policy decision is a mistake. That’s not my thinking at all. I think that given our options and our needs it is definitely the right decision. I do think the Ukraine War was the breaking point. Once Russia invaded Ukraine the need to deal with global energy markets became critical and Ukraine was our core strategic interest. Regardless, it’s the right decision. Mostly because it’s the only decision.

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