John Light

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John Light is TPM's managing editor, based in New York. He previously worked as a producer for Bill Moyers and WNYC and has written for The Atlantic, Slate, Reuters and Grist.

Chauvin Found Guilty On All Counts In Murder Of George Floyd
International Community Condemns Siege On US Capitol
Where Things Stand: Two Big Scoops On One Weird Story
This is your TPM afternoon briefing.

Yesterday, TPM broke the news that the Atlanta-area U.S. attorney was leaving his post early. Byung Jin “BJay” Pak, of the Northern District of Georgia, had planned to leave on Inauguration Day, but instead was leaving immediately due to “unforeseen circumstances,” he told his staff yesterday.

Today, we learned who will replace him: Bobby Christine, the Trump-appointed U.S. attorney for the Southern District of Georgia. TPM broke that story too.

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TPM Illustration The Early Days Of TPM Cafe
TPM’s The Duke Of Dukes: The Final Four
Cast Your Vote!

We have about six hours of voting left in the quarterfinals for our Duke of Dukes competition.

These are some choice match-ups you won’t want to miss:

  • Randy “Duke” Cunningham vs. Scooter Libby
  • Rod Blagojevich vs. Dick Cheney
  • Anthony Weiner vs. Dinesh D’Souza
  • Rudy Giuliani vs. Paul Manafort

Cast your vote here by 6 p.m.

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TPM’s Duke Of Dukes: The Quarterfinals
Where Thing Stand: Conspiracy Theories And Consequences

Who could have seen this coming?

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What Even Is A ‘Talking Points Memo’?
Cast Your Vote

Voting in the first round of our Duke of Dukes bracket is open. Cast your ballot here.

Need some help knowing who to vote for? The Nation’s national affairs correspondent Jeet Heer has some recommendations.

We’ve been monitoring live results, and I can tell you that the Jack Abramoff vs. Dick Cheney and Anthony Weiner vs. Chris Christie match-ups are both nail biters. Pick carefully.

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