599 Women Who Attended Blasey Ford’s High School Sign Letter Of Support

on September 18, 2018 in Washington, DC.
BETHESDA, MARYLAND - SEPTEMBER 18: The entrance to the Holton Arms School is shown on September 18, 2018 in Bethesda, Maryland. Christine Blasey Ford, who attended the all-girls prep school, has accused Supreme Cour... BETHESDA, MARYLAND - SEPTEMBER 18: The entrance to the Holton Arms School is shown on September 18, 2018 in Bethesda, Maryland. Christine Blasey Ford, who attended the all-girls prep school, has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, who attended the all-boys Georgetown Preparatory School, of assaulting her when the two were students. (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images) MORE LESS
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Just under 600 women alumnae of the high school that Christine Blasey Ford attended in Bethesda, Maryland have signed an open letter indicating their support for the woman who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of attempted rape in high school, Vox News reported. 

While the women said they did not know anything about the specific allegations that Blasey Ford has made against Kavanaugh, they called her experience “all too consistent with stories we heard and lived” while attending Holton-Arms High School. The signees are students who attended the private girls school between 1962 and 2018, according to Vox.

“As far as Dr. Ford’s specific allegations, it is inconsequential/irrelevant to us whether anyone has heard them before, and in no way affects our belief that she is telling the truth,” Kate Gold, a class of 2005 graduate who was part of the group that first circulated the letter, told Vox. “What we are referring to in our letter is the nearly ubiquitous experience of high school girls as they try to navigate coming of age in a society dominated by toxic masculinity.”

Blasey Ford has recently announced that she would like the FBI to probe her allegations of sexual assault against Kavanaugh before she agrees to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee. The committee has scheduled a hearing on Monday to hear from Kavanaugh and Blasey Ford, but it is unclear if she will agree to testify.

Read a portion of the letter, via Vox, here. 

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Notable Replies

  1. 599 vs. 2 :angry:

  2. Avatar for fgs fgs says:

    Based on this letter, and the number of signatories, everyone should reject the entire premise of gender-segregated anything-or-other. When that many daughters of the richest parents in the area come right out and say that, oh yeah, they all grew up fair game for every fourth-generation, entitled frat pig in the making, what remaining purpose could possibly be served by sending them there?

    Could this be the fate for which the parents intended to groom their daughters? It’s all but unthinkable.

  3. @beattycat Which two? Grassley/McConnell? Murkowski/Collins?

  4. The 2 is in reference to the two of the original 65 (women from Grassley’s letter) who stood by Kavanaugh as a good guy and never had any problems with him during high school ( … even though he went to an all-boys school). Two said they stand by Kavanaugh, the rest either had no comment or didn’t stand by the letter.

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