Schiff Iffy On Impeachment Despite Saying Trump’s Actions ‘Worse’ Than Nixon’s

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Despite characterizing the actions of the 2016 Trump campaign and President Donald Trump’s subsequent actions as “far more serious than Watergate,” House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) was non-committal Sunday on the question of impeachment.

In an interview on ABC’s “This Week,” Schiff said that “the obstruction of justice in particular in this case is far worse than anything that Richard Nixon did,” and asserted later that Trump obstructed justice “in many ways.”

In “a normal circumstance,” he said, “the level of evidence in the Mueller report” would be “without question within the realm of impeachable offenses.”

But, Schiff added, “We are, unfortunately, in an environment today where the GOP leadership, people like Kevin McCarthy, are willing to carry the President’s water no matter how corrupt or unethical or dishonest the President’s conduct may be.”

“It means that an impeachment is likely to be unsuccessful,” Schiff said.

He said that Democrats could still opt to pursue impeachment, as Democratic presidential contender Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and others have called for following the release of the redacted report.

Democrats should ask themselves, Schiff said, “what is the best thing for the country?”

Whether or not to impeach, he added, is “a very tough question, and I think it’s one we ought not to make overnight.”

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Notable Replies

  1. I don’t think the headline does Schiff any favours, I thinks his comments makes sense…

  2. Personally I don’t give a shit whether impeachment is successful or not. I want to see all of this dirt aired in public, live on TV, five days a week for the next 19 months. More so, I want to see the House of Representative DO THEIR FUCKING JOB!

    Enough of this purely political posturing. This is a fight to save our country. As it is all of this kid-glove treatment of Toadglans and his criminal enterprise does nothing but set precedent, one that will destroy our country for generations, if not all eternity.

    ETA Consider this: There is enough damning evidence of Cockholster’s crimes to produce a bombshell headline everyday until the next elections.

  3. In this climate I don’t know if impeachment would be the answer, but indictments after Nov. 3rd, 2020 would give me a very nice birthday present if anyone was interested.

  4. Avatar for tena tena says:

    I can’t imagine our doing nothing.

    Nothing happens and we just carry on. This makes no sense to me. And I doubt it makes any sense to a lot of Americans.

  5. I don’t think you have to call it impeachment. Just form a Select Committee to investigate the allegations laid out in the Mueller Report.

    It’ll either give momentum towards impeachment, or not. But avoids the label of “impeachment”, which seems to be a third-rail in the short term.

    Doing nothing is not an option.

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