Pence And Wife Test Negative For Coronavirus

JERUSALEM, ISRAEL - JANUARY 23: Vice President of the United States Mike Pence (R) and his wife Karen Pence (L) during the Fifth World Holocaust Forum on January 23, 2020 in Jerusalem, Israel. Heads of State gatherin... JERUSALEM, ISRAEL - JANUARY 23: Vice President of the United States Mike Pence (R) and his wife Karen Pence (L) during the Fifth World Holocaust Forum on January 23, 2020 in Jerusalem, Israel. Heads of State gathering in Jerusalem to mark 75 years since the liberation of Auschwitz will be the “largest diplomatic event in Israel’s history,” according to the country's Foreign Minister. (Photo by Pool/Getty Images) MORE LESS
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Vice President Mike Pence and his wife Karen tested negative for COVID-19, according to Pence’s press secretary Katie Miller in a Saturday night tweet.

Pence previously announced that he and his wife would be tested later in the afternoon during a White House press briefing Saturday.

The Pences’ negative test results come on the heels of one of the VP’s staffers testing positive for COVID-19 on Friday. Pence denied that neither he nor President Trump had direct contact with the staffer, saying during the White House press briefing Saturday that the White House physician advised him that he “has no reason to believe I have been exposed.”

Pence chief of staff Marc Short confirmed that the staffer had last been in the office on Monday.

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Notable Replies

  1. All believe this, right? I have my doubts, to say the least.

  2. Avatar for gr gr says:

    Why is this a top of the fold headline?

  3. Good for him & Mother…whatevs…Anyway, Bone Spurs’ brain on their 2020 Election strategy:

    Money quote from Sam Nunberg:
    “His argument will be is it’s me vs. the fake news, obstructionists Democrats and the China virus,” said former 2016 presidential aide Sam Nunberg. “Eventually people around him will start saying the Chinese did this to try and sink him. He’s got a great boogeyman out of this. Trump loves foils.”

  4. This Buzzfeed piece below is very good. It highlights Iceland’s mass testing efforts and how effective that has been to control the spread of Covid-19. Yes, they have a small population and the means to test so they can do that more easily than can larger countries. The article anticipates that criticism/counter and pivots to South Korea, a country of 51 million people (11 million more than CA), and how their mass testing approach helped them to get control of the virus.

    South Korea Foreign Minister:

    “Testing is central because that leads to early detection, it minimises further spread and it quickly treats those found with the virus,” she said. “That is the key behind our very low fatality rate as well.”

    The lesson here is that our democratic institutions can be the means by which we exit this crisis more quickly. It requires the people to demand testing from their government. It requires the people to demand PPE for the health care and first responder community. It requires the people to demand that their media make this a primary focus.

    Believe it or not, if the Masses demanded testing and pressured the government and the media daily on this point, it would happen and we’d get it in place to exit the quarantines by May. It’s not too late.


  5. So how many times are they going to be tested? How many times is tRump going to be tested? TM ran an article last week where a ER doctor in Washington State tested negative and than at a later date when he began having symptoms tested positive.

    Are coronavirus tests flawed?

    The CDC had test kits back in January but didn’t distribute them because they weren’t sure if they were accurate. What changes have been made to insure test are more accurate AND what are the chances that the newly developed rapid test which gives results in 45 minutes are accurate?

    tRump coronavirus calendar

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