Lisa Page Speaks Ahead Of DOJ IG Report: There’s ‘No Fathomable Way’ I Broke The Law

Lisa Page, former legal counsel to former FBI Director Andrew McCabe, arrives to speak before the House Judiciary and Oversight Committee on July 16, 2018. (Photo credit: ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS/AFP via Getty Images)
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As with most unsavory moments in the Trump administration often play out, the American public quickly moved on in October when President Trump, in front of thousands of supporters, acted out having an orgasm while pretending to be former FBI agent Peter Strzok yelling the name of ex-FBI lawyer Lisa Page.

But the moment, like most other attacks dealt by the President, hit Page with more weight than most. After months of focused attacks and insult from the President of the United States, that crude, unprecedented act in October was the “straw that broke the camel’s back.” Speaking out for the first time since she’s found herself at the center of Republican-fueled conspiracies about an anti-Trump bias at the FBI, Page sat down with Molly Jong Fast for the Daily Beast last week and described what it’s been like to endure as a target of Trump’s ire.

“It’s almost impossible to describe,” she told the Daily Beast, reflecting on the President’s lingering attacks. “It’s like being punched in the gut. My heart drops to my stomach when I realize he has tweeted about me again. The president of the United States is calling me names to the entire world. He’s demeaning me and my career. It’s sickening.”

“But it’s also very intimidating because he’s still the President of the United States. And when the President accuses you of treason by name, despite the fact that I know there’s no fathomable way that I have committed any crime at all, let alone treason, he’s still somebody in a position to actually do something about that. To try to further destroy my life. It never goes away or stops, even when he’s not publicly attacking me,” she added.

In coming days, the Justice Department’s inspector general report on the origins of the Russia probe will be released. While IG Michael Horowitz is expected to criticize at least one low-level FBI lawyer — who altered a document in his FISA court request to surveil Carter Page — the report is largely expected to exonerate Page of any wrongdoing, a finding she’s maintained since the IG first opened a review of her text messages.

“I don’t engage in any sort of partisan politicking at all (in the texts),” she told the Daily Beast, referencing the personal text message exchanges she had with Strzok in which she expressed a few opinions about not wanting Trump to get elected president. “But having an opinion and sharing that opinion publicly or privately with another person is squarely within the permissible bounds of the Hatch Act. It’s in the regs. Yeah, it says it plainly. I’m thinking, I know I’m a federal employee, but I retain my First Amendment rights. So I’m really not all that worried about it.”

Read the full interview here. 

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  1. Avatar for tacoma tacoma says:

    in the throes of publicly fantasizing having sex with MS. PAGE!!!.. clearly indicates this man must be confined to wherever he is safe and to prevent him from harming others…

  2. Avatar for ur ur says:

    Funny how Republicans think Trump’s behavior is perfectly fine as long as he’s not wearing a tan suit or putting mustard on his hamburgers…:roll_eyes:

  3. Donnie is the KOTPP (King of the Pig People).

  4. Trump is an abusive and sick man. His supporters are as well.

    President Trump, in front of thousands of supporters, acted out having an orgasm while pretending to be former FBI agent Peter Strzok yelling the name of ex-FBI lawyer Lisa Page.

  5. Avatar for jpc jpc says:

    I never thought I would see this happen in a modern US, but the Republican Party has officially become vocal and powerful fifth column partners of the Nation’s Russian/Soviet opponent. They (the “Moral Majority”) started on this path back in the 1970’s perhaps in response to the population formally recognizing social and racial inequalities (and we’re by no means there yet with lots remaining to accomplish) and felt it a necessary path to remain in power and control. Their voice was disproportionately heard, as the silence of moderates in the party fueled this extreme factions success. Their message was designed to resonate with a subsection of the rural population, who appear to view their decreasing clout as targeting their self worth. Programs designed to serve as a safety net for all were touted as helping “those who don’t deserve it”. People have forgotten who fought for Social Security benefits, Medicare and Medicaid, unemployment insurance, head-start and education reform, started the still unfinished war on poverty, and recognized environmental issues - it wasn’t the extreme faction of the Republican Party now in control as actual history and facts show. Over the past 50 years, wealthy backers supported a misinformation campaign using the print and airwaves to feed their targets what amount to outright lies and distortions so they can continuously get these voters to support the Republican Party against these same voters’ best interests. What we are now seeing is just “mission creep”, as each decade the Republican Party goes further and further away from the best interests of the US population. The current Republican Party’s actions in both the House and Senate now fully expose the depths of their decay. The Republican Party, i.e., its current members and voted leadership, are siding with Russian adventurism within our borders and are willing to tolerate it to maintain their position. Wow - isn’t this the definition of a form of treason? Members of the Republican Party have clearly demonstrated that they will stop at nothing to save themselves over the best interests of the country. They will continue to attack and use disinformation to discredit anyone that challenges them. It appears that we have long passed the point of a political debate based on policy differences and entered into survival mode. The spotlight has been turned on them and they are lashing out. It remains important for the free press to stay on message, focus the discussion on the real issues, and don’t allow misdirection and lies to stay unchallenged. The Republicans are looking for a way out to save their hides. Their unacceptable lies regarding the actions of career individuals who serve this country are despicable, and will only get worse over the next few months. Keep the light on the issues, focus on facts, and tie the entire Republican Party to this problem. They own it and deserve the consequences. Yet another challenging issue for the Democratic Party is to accept the fact that the “Marquess of Queensberry rules” do not hold in this situation (certainly the Republican Party has demonstrated this time after time after time again), and that this challenge must be recognized and defeated while maintaining the rule of law.

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